The Plenum of the SJC approved the second request for early release of Geshev

In the motives it is stated that with his statements about washing the political garbage out of the parliament Geshev has demonstrated a clear disrespect for the political system and has violated ethical norms.

Прокуратурата повдигна обвинение на Радостин Василев

In his defence, the Prosecutor General commented that a totalitarian coup is taking place in the judiciary led by the GERB party, and politicians want to subordinate prosecutors, judges and investigators to illegitimate oligarchic interests.Geshev also said that he would appeal to the constitutional court about the changes adopted last week in the Judiciary Act, which he said were discriminatory and unconstitutional.

Пленумът на ВСС одобри и второто искане за предсрочно освобождаване на Гешев

Не commented that an attempt is being made to protect Boiko Borosov by taking over the law and removing those who are inconvenient with blatant self-defence and said that today he will refer the matter to the Constitutional Court because of the new changes in the Judiciary Act, according to which the prosecutor general can be dismissed early only with 13 votes and not as before with 17. According to Geshev, these provisions are unconstitutional and discriminatory.

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