Iliana Ivanova was approved by the EP as the next Commissioner from Bulgaria
The post was vacated earlier this year by Maria Gabriel
Iliana Ivanova has been finally approved by the European Parliament as Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education, Youth and Sport.
There is a lot of work ahead and little time before the end of the European Commission's mandate, Ivanova told the media after the vote. In her words, Bulgaria is at the bottom of the innovation rankings. She pointed out that she would make every effort to help Bulgarian science centres, researchers and universities to catch up with the lagging pace.
Until now, Iliana Ivanova was the Bulgarian representative in the European Court of Auditors and before that - MEP from GERB. In the European Commission, she takes over from Maria Gabriel, who resigned as commissioner in May to become deputy prime minister and foreign affairs minister.
To finally take office, Ivanova will have to be approved by the European Council, which is expected to happen by the end of the week.
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